Friday, May 10, 2013

Taking A Break From The Blog

Hey peoples (all 2.3 of you),

Day job is successfully taking up most of my time, so I'm taking a hiatus for a week or two or three.  I'll be back at some point in June, most probably, with more Office Cats, stuff from work, The Line It Is Drawn, Kind Of OK Comics, and to finish off the WTF Frantic Friday Fracas rounds 6 and 7.  Have a great remainder of May.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sweet Chriskmus!

From the Line It Is Drawn, week 131:
It’s the great comic book amalgamation of 2013! Pick any two comic book characters and our artists will combine them into an, you know, amalgamation! Just like when DC and Marvel did it in the 1990s (Superman and Captain America became Super Soldier, etc.)

Schooloftheages suggested: Popeye and Luke Cage


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Office Cat 59

Grumpy Monday!  Was there any doubt that Grumpy Cat would make an appearance at some point?


Friday, May 3, 2013

WTF: Frantic Friday Fracas: ROUND 5 RESULTS!

And the winner is:

The cheese with the mad-on won with a vote of 5-4 and moves on to the main event!

Round 6 voting starts later today, featuring the return of Martin the Hobo and the Flatware Brothers!

Here's a bonus Angry Grilled Cheese drawn by the talented Diana Lovie, who just turned 10 years old.  She offers some explanations as to why our boy might be so angry.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

From the Line It Is Drawn, week 130:
In honor of the Playlist comic book anthology that Phil Sevy is working on (that you can help get made by funding it here), the idea is to name a comic character (or characters) and a song lyric that you’d like to see our artists interpret as a drawing featuring said character(s).
therealAstrozac suggested:

Jonah Hex- Mama, put my guns in the ground.I can’t shoot them anymore.That long black cloud is comin’ down.
