Friday, June 28, 2013

WTF: Frantic Friday Fracas: ROUND 6 RESULTS!

And the winner is:

Martin The Shifty Hobo takes it with a vote of 20-15 and moves on to the main event against Angry Grilled Cheese!

We're going to give these valiant victors a week to train as they move on the last round where only one shall be crowned as the WTF World Champion!  Come back and vote next week!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

WTF Frantic Friday Fracas: ROUND 6

Welcome to the finals of WTF Frantic Friday Fracas with ROUND 5! Martin the Shifty Hobo returns to the ring from his victory in Round 2, this time facing off against the winner from Round 4: The Flatware Brothers! However, this round, our War-weary™ warriors carry scars from their last encounters.

The deal:

Two wicked warriors enter the rage ring and barbarically battle to the bitter end, leaving one victorious... and the other vanquished! The best part: YOU get to decide who wins! Vote for your favorite fighter in the poll at the bottom of the post each and every week until there is only one: the WTF Champion of the World!

Reacquaint yourselves with this week's courageous combatants:

Name: War-weary™ Martin the Shifty Hobo
Strengths: Rapier wit and diction
Weaknesses: Lacks direction in given career
Secondary Move: The Back-Alley Beat Down


Name: War-weary™ Flatware Brothers
Strengths: Shiny
Weaknesses: Preoccupied with status of weather
Secondary Move: The Dishwasher Dive

Vote for your favorite, poll ends Thursday at 5pm.


WTF Frantic Friday Fracas: ROUND 6
Choose your winner and then press "vote" button below.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Carmine Infantino Mash-Up

From week 134, the theme was:
In honor of the late, great Carmine Infantino, suggest a famous Infantino-drawn comic book cover but with a different comic book character on it (Quicksilver and Hyperion racing a la Superman #199, for instance), and our artists will draw it.
Twitter follower, BigMike20X6 suggested: Star-Lord vs Xemnu the Titan on Mystery in Space 64. The original cover, featuring Adam Strange, can be found here.  Rest in peace, Mr. Infantino.

Check out the other great pieces from the talented Liners here.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Figure Drawing, Newport Art Museum

Every Tuesday, I try to hit the museum for 2 hours of figure drawing, usually with mixed results. Here's a sampling of tonight.


5 Steps Toward A Business Minded Data Center

For work.  This video was modified from this version here, so I may swap it out soon.


Office Cat 61

"Happy, happy Monday to you, Bob!"


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Justice League Of... Anger!!!

From week 133, the theme was:
Based on a suggestion from my pal Steve, it is Angry Birds week! Suggest comic characters that you’d like to see drawn as Angry Birds characters!
Twitter follower, therealAstrozac, suggested: Justice League.  I went with the classic cover of the first appearance of the league in issue 28 The Brave and the Bold.



Monday, June 3, 2013