Thursday, November 28, 2013

T2: The Peace Offering

Last time, they ruined his Thanksgiving!  This time around, he's ruining their lives!

Moses Turner, everyone's favorite action hero and puritanical mofo is back, with a cornucopia filled with whoopass!  Thanksgiving 2: The Peace Offering explodes into theaters this November.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.


Punisher In "Real Fruit Filling..."

From week 160, the theme was:
In honor of Hostess’ return to store shelves everywhere, pick a comic book character and our artists will depict them in a Hostess ad
Twitter follower, TheHeroBiz suggested: Lil’ Kid Punisher.  I had so much fun with the first one, that I had to revisit the concept.

Check out the other great pieces from the talented Liners here.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Office Cat 77

Company benefits: Pizza slice Fridays.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boogie Beat Down

From week 157, the theme was:
A + X! In honor of the Avengers and X-Men 50th Anniversaries, name a member of the Avengers and a member of the X-Men (not the same person) and our artists will draw them teaming up (our artists will have the freedom of drawing whatever they want beyond the basic concept of “Character X and Character Y team-up”).
Twitter follower, sepinwall, suggested: Wonder Man & Dazzler, busting up goons at the disco, ’70s-style.  I threw the Hypno Hustler in there for good measure.

Check out the other great pieces from the talented Liners here.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Character Line-up

Characters from a video at work, not sure I can show animation here, but here's the players involved.  I went for a Bruce Timm-esque look and regret how E-Tail looks so similar to B:TAS's Clayface, but that's always been a great looking design.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Squirrel Rider

From week 155, the theme was:
The theme is “What if…?” You come up with the description for an issue of What If…? (whatever comic book company you’d like) and our artists will come up with what they think the end result of that What If…? would be.
Twitter follower, BigMike20X6 suggested: What if Squirrel Girl became the new Ghost Rider?  Into every Liner's life, a little Squirrel Girl must fall.  Oh, Big Mike, you tenacious, little monkey, you.

Check out the other great pieces from the talented Liners here.
