Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Into The Tumbleverse 03

Here's the first panel of the new strip available to read on Instagram.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Peter Dinklage Is The... Savage Dragon?

From The Line It Is Drawn, April 17th, 2020:
In honor of the passing of Mort Drucker, let's do some Mad-style superhero film parodies. Pick a superhero and name an unlikely actor/actress to play that character and our artists will get their caricature game on!
Twitter follower, KeithAlanMorgan suggested Peter Dinklage is the Savage Dragon.  I don't know why, but I gave it a shot.

Check out the other talented Liners' caricatures here.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Into The Tumbleverse 02

Here's the first panel of the new strip available to read on Instagram.


Monday, April 20, 2020

MOTU Drawing Challenge Week 52

Here's the latest challenge from the Masters of the Universe themed drawing challenge on Twitter, #MOTUdrawingchallenge hosted by @MOTUdrawing!

Meet Dragstor, transforming evil warrior vehicle? Even Dragstor knows not what Dragstor is!


Friday, April 17, 2020

Lucky Luke Meets Bat Lash

From The Line It Is Drawn, April 10th, 2020:
In honor of the passing of the great Juan Giménez, artist on the French comic book series, Metabarons, let's team-up or mash-up American comic book characters with European comic book characters, like the Metabarons, Incal, Blueberry, Blacksad, Tintin, etc. (Technically, I guess you could suggest more Asterix suggestions, but I'd prefer you to try to avoid doing so)
Twitter follower, KeithAlanMorgan suggested: Bat Lash and Lucky Luke. I think I'm a new fan of Lucky Luke!

Check out the other talented Liners' Euro-American team-ups here.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Into The Tumbleverse 01

Here's a thing I'm trying to pull off on Instagram that I'm calling "Into The Tumbleverse."  We'll see where it goes.

Here's the full strip of the first installment here on the blog, but I will be teasing with one panel in future posts in hopes of tempting people to migrate to the Instagram page to read the complete strip.


Monday, April 13, 2020

MOTU Drawing Challenge: Week 50!

Here's the latest challenge from the Masters of the Universe themed drawing challenge on Twitter, #MOTUdrawingchallenge hosted by @MOTUdrawing!

Here's He-Man in his legendary battle armor.  Pow!


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Happy Monthiversary: April!

Happy monthiversary, baby!  Since its close proximity, we have an Easter theme for you!  As you can see, we're not that thrilled with the cosplay, but happy to have each other!

Love you!


Friday, April 10, 2020

Obelix And Volstagg The Voluminous

From The Line It Is Drawn, April 3rd, 2020:
In honor of the passing of Albert Uderzo, team up a comic book character with Asterix or one of Asterix's many supporting characters.
Twitter follower, BigMike20X6 suggested: Obelix & Volstagg.  Makes sense.

Check out the other talented Liners' Asterix team-ups here.


Monday, April 6, 2020

MOTU Drawing Challenge: Week 49

Here's the latest challenge from the Masters of the Universe themed drawing challenge on Twitter, #MOTUdrawingchallenge hosted by @MOTUdrawing!

The Masters of the Universe movie version of Skeletor, played by Frank Langella!


Friday, April 3, 2020

Real Life Superheroes Of The COVID-19 Crisis

From The Line It Is Drawn, March 27th, 2020:
With the COVID-19 crisis getting more and more dire by the minute, the real superheroes are those people on the front lines of this crisis. The doctors, nurses, firefighters, grocery store clerks and pharmacists who are putting themselves on the line to help the rest of us. So the theme is to suggest someone you know who fits into those categories (the "essential" workers) and our artists will depict them as a superhero.
I chose those workers in the medical profession who are out there on the front lines.  Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Check out the other talented Liners' real life superheroes here.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Space Hobo

Here's a little one-pager I did in Procreate.
