Welcome to ROUND 1 of WTF Frantic Friday Fracas! Two war-torn warriors enter the rage ring and barbarically battle to the bitter end, leaving one victorious... and the other vanquished! The best part:
YOU get to decide who wins! Vote for your favorite fighter in the poll at the bottom of the post each and every week until there is only one: the WTF Champion of the World!
Meet this week's courageous combatants:
Angry Grilled Cheese |
Name: Angry Grilled Cheese
Strengths: Good at geography
Weaknesses: Fear of goats
Signature Move: The Manic Muenster Mop-up
Dirty Sock |
Name: Dirty Sock
Strengths: Sees the good in all people
Weaknesses: Disco dancing
Signature Move: The Stink-Wrap Smother
Poll closes on Thursday at 3pm, results and two more combatants post next Friday. Choose wisely!
WTF Frantic Friday Fracas: ROUND 1
Choose your winner and then press "vote" button below.