Monday, October 15, 2007

Show's Over

Well, the Toxic Tales of Williamsburg came down this past weekend. It was quite an ego boost for yours truly and I would like to thank all of you who attended the opening, showed interest over the past month, purchased prints, or just supported my efforts in general. Many thanks to Mark Quinlan, gallerist and bartender supreme, who conceived the idea of hosting art shows at the Abbey, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, home to many artistic individuals. During this week, I will be posting each piece that was hanging on the brick walls of the hallowed pub, starting with this one, featuring four pinups of my local heroes. Hope to get some new stuff up as well. Word.



  1. The show is never really over.... We can all relive it in our minds.... Great stuff man. Keep making me look lazy.


  2. you're making me miss nyc. boo hoo.

  3. Pedro-

    You've been quite active yourself, pal, so I wouldn't consider you lazy at all. I will be joining you on some monster drawings for Halloween.


    NYC misses you, too. Hopefully some of the crew can make a visit up to New London to bring some Brooklyn cheer very soon.

