Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If This Be... March MODOK Madness 2010!

Here's the post I put up over at the March MODOK Madness! blog, announcing that we are again taking submissions for the month of March, our third year in a row! I've been busy trying to get ahead by working on a full length comic book featuring MODOK the past few weeks and have a lot on my plate with it, and work and life in general. So, this upcoming month you will probably be seeing a lot of mirrored posts from the work I'm producing for MMM.

Hey All!

Just thought I'd do a late February post to announce that indeed we are continuing the annual madness of celebrating all things MODOK! And why not? The big guy deserves it. So, all during the merry month of March, your bustling, belligerent, blog beekeepers (Pedro and myself) are hosting hordes of gorgeous, graphic depictions of everyone's main mental organism! Be sure to join us next maniacal Monday for the bombastic beginning of our third time around!

Interested in joining in the fun? Well, dust off your devious drawing devices, create some work and submit it to the email address found in the column to the right, and we'll put your potent and powerfully produced pictures on up the blog! Everyone is welcome!

Hope to see you come back to peruse punctiliously the pile of pretty pieces for what's sure to be a great new year of March MODOK Madness! Huzzah!



  1. Brilliant work brotha'
    Really digging the texture....
    Here's to a prosperous 2010 sized mindblast..


  2. Nice Pic. Looking forward to it.
