Thursday, May 6, 2010

Portrait Painting Class Week 1- Drawing

Hi all,

It's been awhile since I've posted since a lot has been going on. First off, I made the move back home to Rhode Island for the indefinite future and am looking for work and taking a breather. However, I am taking a portrait painting class at the Newport Art Museum, taught by Keith Fox and I am a week into a 5-week program. Here's the results of week one, where I primed the canvas with gray acrylic and sketched out the model in charcoal. More soon and finished MODOK comic soon...



  1. Looking good buddy, I'm kinda jealous....I need to be taking some classes.. I'm looking forward to seeing more progress, and of course the modok book..


  2. Hey Brendan glad you painting!

  3. i'm also jealous, i miss painting a lot.

    that's a great start, can't wait to see more.
