Friday, October 1, 2010

Theo 1995?-2010

I heard the news today that Cara had to put down beloved kitty, Theo. He started having kidney problems in the past few months, and recently took up residence in the bathroom and stopped eating. Towards the end, Cara informed me he couldn't even move. He was euthanized earlier today

Theo was my buddy and a good cat. He was very gentle and loving and an all around good soul. He will be missed. I wish I could write more eloquently about how much he meant to me, but the words aren't coming to me and I'm pretty upset and sad to continue typing.

So long Theo.... I miss you.



  1. Sorry mate... its never easy...
    Theo was lucky to have people that cared for him so much...

    great drawing and commemoration ..

  2. Oh, no! Brendan, I'm so sorry to hear. My deepest sympathy. Theo will be missed. I'm glad that I met him on a few occasions. Rest easy, little guy.

  3. So long Theo, You will be greatly missed. Wishing happier times for all that little Theo left behind.
