Friday, July 15, 2011

Shadow McDeathblood... TO THE EXTREME!!!

I thought I'd share a little 1990s love with you all from the dark days of comics. As much as I hate that era of comic collecting speculation, holographic foil covers, variant issues, massive print runs, and dark, gritty "heroes" with no character development, depth, or continuous plot lines, I had fun drawing Shadow McDeathblood. So what do you say? You want to see an awesome, extreme #1 issue starring the multi-pocketed tool? Lemme know...



  1. More please... absolutely fantastic drawing dude... The captions really sell it..


  2. Pretty good...though you need more crosshatching to be more authentic! Hahaha....keep it coming man!

  3. Thanks, guys! I agree that it needs more gratuitous crosshatching, but I get lazy sometimes (after drawing all those pouches, I was worn out.)

