Thursday, December 1, 2011


I heard last week that three of the artists who participate in Comic Book Resources' "The Line It Is Drawn" are leaving, opening up some spots for new blood to participate.  The Line is a weekly happenstance on the Comics Should Be Good blog wherein Brian Cronin puts forth a thematic idea.  Followers suggest specific pieces they want to see within the theme via Twitter, forming a list that the participating artists can pick and choose from to illustrate.  Last week, Brian asked: Superify it! Pick a person, real or fictional, and our artists will draw them as a superhero.   I went with Theodore Roosevelt, one suggestion out of over 250, and submitted it.  If it fairs well, I may get chosen to do a piece every week.  Wish me luck.



  1. A truely Bully drawing!! I love it.

  2. I make it a point to comment on any TLiiD pieces that were my suggestions. I have a fondness for President TR and love the costume design. Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Thanks, Mike. I, too, am a fan of Roosevelt, he accomplished so much in his lifetime and is an interesting character. I wanted to go with something that might fit in around the turn of century and I went with crimson and gold to represent Teddy's alma mater.

