Friday, March 23, 2012

25 Colored Marilyn Monroedoks

For this week's The Line It Is Drawn, the broad topic was:
A follower on Twitter suggested Warhol's 25 colored Marilyns as MODOK.”  I researched his image, did some tweaking to her face in Photoshop, adding Kirby's rocket-chair from TOS 94 with some tweaks, and made further changes in the inking and coloring stage.  A very Warholian process overall.  Anyway, wish I had more time to add some silkscreening effects to it, but I'm happy with the creepiness of it all.

As always, check out what the talented folks over The Line It Is Drawn came up with.  All of their pieces, this one included, will be posted in the following week at March MODOK Madness.

See you next week.

Here's a close up:


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for drawing this art, when I first saw it I was floored at how it came out. When my wife saw it she said it looked creepy but awesome and then said "who is MODOK?" We are Warhol fans and Warhol would be proud. I will put it into photoshop and see if I can put in the screen print effects, try to get it printed large and framed.
