Saturday, September 28, 2013

Twinkie Me, Bitch!

From week 158, the theme was:
In honor of the final episode, which will be airing next week, this week mash-up comic book characters with characters from Breaking Bad!
Twitter follower, BigMike20X6 suggested: Walter & Jesse in a spoof of Hostess Pie ads.  This piece has been spreading around the internet, so I bump it up in the posting queue.  Thanks to all who appreciate and have been sharing my work!  Big thanks to Brian Cronin and Mike Shirley!

Check out the other great pieces from the talented Liners here.

And I'll be watching the final episode for sure on Sunday!  With some twinkies!



  1. This piece is pure genius! It demonstrates your love for and intimate knowledge of the show, great comedy, and brilliant artwork.
    I would love to see variations of this piece for the Walking Dead and the Sopranos!

  2. The URL in the footer of the image should be http:// not http//:

  3. I don't even have words for how much I loved this. It feels so much like those ads I remember from my childhood and it has the cleverness and sharp writing of Breaking Bad. You are a genius!

  4. What a coincidence. I`m bumping to Hostess comic ads (and this parody of them) often, these days. Ver often.

  5. The cast and crew of the show need to see this!

  6. Shut Up and Take My Money!!

    Seriously tho would you sell prints of this?!?

    This 'ad' tugged at the right strings by bringing to mind the old comic book ads from the 80's and my love for Breaking Bad. Written REALLY well, I could hear Walt and Jessie's voices! The coloring is so indicative of the old comics from the bleeding yellow outside of the panel to the flat layering of the characters in the last panel. So good...
    Thanks for this!

  7. How on earth did you simulate the "assy color separation" and "yellowtastic cheap paper" of the comics we all know and love? Technique, please!
