Saturday, January 23, 2010

Luau Larry And Hula Hijinks

I'm heading to a luau themed birthday party and thought I'd bring this hula hottie with me...


Friday, January 22, 2010

So Long, Meredith!

My buddy Mere is leaving NY for the sunny climes of Los Angeles and I figured I'd give her a going away present. So what's better than a NY poster with foul language and public urination? Good luck, Meredith. I'll be out to visit soon.


Late For Work

Late for work, but only Monday through Friday...


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kind Of Okay Comics #031

Oh, Rex Tarkleton came by and brought a new strip. [Add surly anecdote here.] Thanks again, Rex!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


He's ready to party. And ready to eat delicious snacks.


Boy, Girl, Rabbit, And Dezhignator Drivers

Trying to get Mr. Mr. to post a new BGR. Go to his blog and harass him about it. Maybe he'll listen to you.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Annex-ed And Very Annoyed

I had an illustration published in the esteemed Park Slope Courier today. The piece was commissioned by the St. John's Place Block Association. The illo they went with was the nastier version of two I made for the organization so I'm expecting angry soccer moms with pitchforks to come a knockin'. Bring it ladies, I made rice krispies treats for all of us.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

The March To... March.

Just thinking up some ideas for everyone's favorite big headed Marvel baddie for Pedro and my annual project and was inspired to sketch this piece. Besides, March is sooner than you think...


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Incumbent Senator Announces Intentions For Re-Election

United States Senator, Senator Quack Quack, announced that he will indeed run again to retain his post in the United States Senate this coming November. The said drake is pictured above delivering a charged rhetoric to the fat cats in Washington, with New York Senator Charles Schumer, after their joint bill concerning house cat grooming reform was fillibusted by senate Republicans. A press release from the office of Senator Quack Quack states that the elder senator intends to begin his campaign immediately, a move which calls for Quack Quack to forgo his annual winter migration. This has already become a hot button issue with his political opposition, specifically Republican naturalists.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year. Eat Tacos.

Happy New Year. Hope you all had a good holiday break. Welcome to 2010, where I'm still campaigning to replace pizza with tacos as holder of the "coolest" food kids go for. Pizza is so 1980s ninja turtle. Tacos? It's where the cool kids are at, baby. Now onto other things, like replacing skateboarding with badminton as the "cool" sport...
