I'm growing a little weary of drawing Monster Month characters two weeks into the project so as a little diversion, I drew the staple General Mills cereal monsters: Boo Berry, Franken Berry, and Count Chocula. Yeah, I know, a big stretch. I always dug these characters as a kid even without being a big fan of the actual cereal. After doing a little research for art reference, I discovered that Franken Berry gained popularity with the childrens of the early '70s due to a red dye that the body couldn't digest, causing the consumer's poop to turn bright red. It was referred to as "Franken Berry stool". It was a simpler time then and kids were easily impressed, I gather.
I submitted this piece to a blog dedicated to the Monster Cereals, which features cool fan art and classic commercials and such. Hopefully, it will be posted, but in any case, go forth and check it out here: