Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Torch And Subby

For The Line It Is Drawn June 26th, 2023:

In honor of the new Secret Invasion Disney+ series, a noir retelling of a big comic book crossover, name a comic book crossover that you'd like to see done in a very different genre/scale. Crisis on Infinite Earths...on Ice? So on, so forth.

Twitter follower, KeithAlanMorgan suggested The Sub-Mariner vs the original Human Torch as a Punch & Judy style puppet show

Check out the other Liners' genre-bending pieces here


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Flash Toitles

For The Line It Is Drawn June 19th, 2023:

In honor of the new Flash movie, suggest an alternate dimension DC hero for Flash to run into.

Twitter follower, @shurwitt suggestion of Fastback, the Crash and the Terrific Whatzit.

Check out the other Liners Flash pieces here


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

RIP John Romita

For The Line It Is Drawn June 19th, 2023:

This is a special Line it is Drawn in honor of the passing of comic book icon, John Romita Sr.

Check out the other Liners' Romita memorial pieces here


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tickle Me Darkseid

For The Line It Is Drawn June 12th, 2023:

In honor of the new Transformers movie, team-up or mash-up a comic character with a famous toy. It can be a toy that has had its own comic, like the Micronauts & Transformers, or it can just be any toy (Thanos and Hungry Hungry Hippos try to collect Infinity Stones, for instance)

Twitter follower, @MisterBigRed1 suggested Tickle me Darkseid and @daviddwwilliams suggested The Thing and a pet rock.

Check out the other Liners famous toy pieces here


Tuesday, June 6, 2023


For The Line It Is Drawn June 5th, 2023:

In honor of the new Into the Spider-Verse, suggest an alternate dimension Spider-Man (it can be an anthopormorphic animal like Spider-Ham, or really ANYthing, honestly).

Twitter follower, Johnny Unusual (@JohnnyUnusual) suggested Jazz Spider-Man! Ted Dahlman (@TedDahlman) suggested Spider-Blob (the X-Men villain).

Check out the other Liners Spider-verse pieces here
