Monday, January 6, 2020

Soar Among The Stars, Professor Xum

We lost a very talented and amazing person recently by name of Xum Yukinori.  I hadn't met Xum directly, but he was a longtime contributor to The Line It Is Drawn segment on Comic Book Resources, which I also count myself as a contributor.  Through email and social media interactions, I grew to admire the man.  His knowledge of DC bronze age comics and his love for the cancelled Green Lantern cartoon were second to none.  Just an all around nice and great guy who loved his family and comics.

Xum was a talented and prolific artist.  Brian Cronin, editor of The Line It Is Drawn compiled a post featuring all of Xum's Line work here.

Xum would work himself into many of the Line pieces as a self-referential character known as the unabashedly conceited Professor Xum.  My homage features the Professor and his beloved Green Lantern, Aya, cruising the cosmos.  You can find the other Liner's tributes here.

Godspeed, Xum.


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