Welcome to Amazing Marvel Monster Cocktail Party: Get To Know Your Hideous Guests!, a guide to familiarize one's self with various pre-code, Marvel/Atlas monster comic party crashers! Will you know what to do when they show up at your Halloween cocktail party? Are they here to enslave humanity or just looking to drink free booze? Let's find out!
Groot came to Earth to..... capture human specimens for scientific study! Ha! Not global conquest! As monarch of Planet X (I believe he went to the same technical high school as Goom), it seems pretty weird he would be the one sent out to gather up guinea pigs, but I hear Queen Elizabeth does similar work. His academic endeavors were thwarted anyway, thanks to a non-manly scientist and his work with.... mutated termites. Ahem. Anywho, Groot is one of those people, if he crashes your shindig, who will stay out on the back porch all night smoking butts. Yes, it's a disgusting habit, and even a dangerous one for a wooden tree person, but, hey, he waits for the party to come to HIM and is a pretty amazing grill-master in his own right. Just keep a fire extinguisher close by.
Groot first appeared in Tales of Suspense #13, November, 1960.