This would have been more relevant last Saturday, but I got too biz-wad to post it...
Groot came to Earth to..... capture human specimens for scientific study! Ha! Not global conquest! As monarch of Planet X (I believe he went to the same technical high school as Goom), it seems pretty weird he would be the one sent out to gather up guinea pigs, but I hear Queen Elizabeth does similar work. His academic endeavors were thwarted anyway, thanks to a non-manly scientist and his work with.... mutated termites. Ahem. Anywho, Groot is one of those people, if he crashes your shindig, who will stay out on the back porch all night smoking butts. Yes, it's a disgusting habit, and even a dangerous one for a wooden tree person, but, hey, he waits for the party to come to HIM and is a pretty amazing grill-master in his own right. Just keep a fire extinguisher close by.
Groot first appeared in Tales of Suspense #13, November, 1960.
Torr came to Earth... sigh... you know why he came here, to conquer, but he was foiled. Anyway, don't be surprised if Torr shows up your party and you don't notice him. Yes, even at an astounding 8 feet tall, covered in reddish hair, and sporting an ill-fitting sports coat, this would-be conquerer of man is a bit of a wallflower. Where is he? Try looking in the corner to catch a glimpse of this gentle giant quietly munching away on a plate of crudité.
Torr's first appearance occurred in Amazing Adventures #1, June 1961.
From the far planet of Oobagon VIII, Bombu came to Earth to conquer the world (see a pattern here with old Marvel monster comics?) and came to settle in the Amazon jungle as a local witch doctor. His skills include levitating objects, shrinking animals, creating massive storms, and parking himself near the stereo at your party so he can control the music! There's always one at every party! Behold the mighty Bombu in all his dancing glory when your primitive human hifi cranks out some Supertramp!
Bombu first appeared in Journey Into Mystery #60, September 1960.
Goom, another would-be planet conqueror and full-time father, is the life of the party. Whether regaling a crowd with off color anecdotes, eating party guests, or doing keg stands in the kitchen, Goom is sure to brighten any get-together the minute he walks through (I mean, literally walks through) the door. For he is Goom... and he's doin' it like they do on Planet X!
Goom first appeared in Tales of Suspense #15, March 1961.
Orrgo came to Earth ultimately to claim it for his alien peeps, demonstrating incredible hypnotic powers! His first go around, he was defeated by a hungry gorilla! No. Seriously. In failing to be as unconquerable as his title suggests, he stuck around for a few good times, using his awesome powers of suggestion to get invited to the choicest soirées. He enjoys a stiff martini made of finest gin and is best avoided when near the snack table. Beware.... of Orrgo the ominous hors d'oeuvre overmaster!!!!
Orrgo first appeared in Strange Tales #90, November 1961.
Reign of Glass, Erin Stellmon
June 3rd - July 23rd
Opening Reception, Artist’s Talk June 3rd 6-9
Erin Stellmon plans to address issues within the largest privately funded construction project in US history, the MGM Mirage City Center. The goals are to foster a dialogue surrounding our preoccupation with hope and the continuing cycles of architecture in the Las Vegas Valley.
In conjunction with two exhibitions--Emily Kennerk's "America's Most Foreclosed City" and Erin Stellmon's "Reign of Glass"--the CAC will host a panel discussion moderated by Kirsten Swenson, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Art at UNLV. Dr. Swenson will present ideas from her recent scholarship on land use and contemporary art, placing Kennerk and Stellmon's critical investigations of the spatial politics of Las Vegas in the broader context of artists who are working at the intersections of art and geography, sociology, and economics. Time and date TBA